Magical Book


Reading and learning is an essential part of every witch's journey into the realm of witchcraft. This page provides a list of books we have found useful, helpful or just plain fun. Many of these magical books can be found on used book websites like, which not only saves money but helps the environment!

The Solitary Witch's Green Book: Basic Witch Spells & Journaling for Your Everyday Magic Practice

This book will help you to learn everyday Witchcraft on your own, in about 10 minutes a day. At 140 pages, it's a brief but complete manual of traditional witchcraft which can be useful to beginners and intermediate level Witches who practice mostly alone. It's the book Kat used as the basis for The Beginner Witch Series. Kat's Review

Author: Beatrix Minerva Linden

Llewellyn'sĀ Sabbat EssentialsĀ 

Eight books, one for each of the witches holidays: Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain and Yule.

Contain rituals, recipes, lore, spells, crafts, correspondences, meditations, and more. The box set is over $60 at this writing (Jan 2025 on Amazon). We recommend starting with Samhain and building your library from there, if you're on a budget.Ā 

Excellent reference books.

Ā Authors: Susan Pesznecker, Diana Rajchel, Deborah Blake, Carl F. Neal, Melanie Marquis, Kerri Connor